About me

Hi, I am Helen!

After graduating school in Germany I decided to take a break from sitting in a classroom and listening to teachers.
I wanted to know what I can learn outside of a classroom, out in the world and decided to travel for 9 months to learn about different cultures, see new places and improve my English.
It was the best decision to get out of home and see the world!
To be more independent and get more confident I wanted to travel alone and leave the people I know and I already made lots of new close friends.

My travel plans [October 2022 – June 2023]

East Coast of Australia: au pair for 6 months
Western Australia: working and road tripping for 1 month
New Zealand, north island: living on a farm and traveling for 1 month
Bali: exploring for 2 weeks

My life afterwards

I am currently studying back in Germany in a social field because human interactions just give me joy.
My heart still pounds for traveling, so I continue doing so in between and my first plan after my studies is to get back out into the world.
I will continue sharing posts about traveling, about my life and penpaling.

I am so excited to share my experiences with you!
Thank you for being here and making my passion of writing feel like it is worth it.