Things I truly believe in

I try to live my life as carefree as possible.
I am in a position where I don’t have to worry about my existence and my life, and I am beyond grateful for that.
All the little things I could worry about I try to worry about as little as possible.
This is possible because I believe in some things that make life seem so much better and most of the things depend on what your mind tells you anyway, so you can try to control your mind a bit better and everything can seem a bit better.
In general, I think believing in something can make life a lot easier because you can let go of your worries, so whatever or whoever it is that you believe in, I hope it gives you a lot of strength to get through life.
These are the things I truly believe in, and maybe it can inspire you to worry a bit less about everything that could be.

1. everything happens for a reason

I believe that there is a reason for everything that happens to you.
Let’s just say that things like accidents and the death of someone are an exception, but I believe that even that can be something you can learn from, something that makes you stronger, or you needed a break from work while you recover.
Sometimes I think about what the reason could be and even if it might not be the actual reason, it makes me feel better.
An example from my life.
In 10th grade I wanted to do an exchange year in America which got cancelled due to covid, and I was devastated, but if I had done that exchange year, I probably wouldn’t have traveled to Australia after school.
I wouldn’t have met any of the wonderful people I have met and wouldn’t have found my love for Australia.
I am sure I would have had an amazing time in America as well, but I wouldn’t know, and I make myself believe that this was the reason that it didn’t work out, and I believed that back then as well, and it made me be excited for what else there is to come instead of being sad it didn’t work.
So whenever something bad or good happens to me, I try to believe that it has a reason, and it makes me feel better, and I think that is the most important thing.

2. if it is meant to be, it’ll be

This is kind of like something or someone out there already knows your way of life.
Something, if it is the universe or god or whatever you believe in or even if you believe in nothing at all, something already planned out all of our lives.
Everything that is meant for you is going to come to you.
I don’t wait for love or anything at all.
I know it will come at the right time and what I do doesn’t play a big role, because everything I do, someone already knew what I was going to do.
Another example.
When there is someone I think is attractive, but I don’t get the chance to talk to them at that moment and then my chance is gone, I believe it was either not meant to be or there will be another moment for me and we’ll meet again.
Everything is going to turn out in your favor, and it is going to be good.

3. happiness comes in waves

Happiness, but also life, comes in waves.
Sometimes you’ll feel on top of the world, and some other days are hard to get through.
Value the good ones and be sure that they are going to come again when you are at a low.
Life works out sometimes, and sometimes nothing works at all.
Sometimes there is so much happening in life, and then it is just your daily life again.
We wouldn’t be able to value the good times if every moment would be good because we don’t know any other feeling.
That is why life needs to be a lot of ups and downs, so you can value the good ones.
Sometimes it’s just trying to get through the bad days and making them a little bit better with small gestures that make you happy.
You can be the master of the waves of life and happiness, though.
I learned to enjoy the little moments that make me happy because every little feeling of happiness is worth it.
I go watch sunsets, I do walks in the dark because weirdly that’s when I feel safe and enjoy people smiling.
When I feel happy, I try to smile as often as I can, and sometimes it turns into a small giggle because I think of something I like.
Life is good.
Even on the slow and hard days because they make me excited for the good days.

4. mistakes are to learn from

I am at that point right now and would love to shout that out in the world.
Mistakes are natural.
Everybody makes mistakes and that is fine.
The thing that should follow though is you realizing what you did wrong and trying to get better.
Another important thing is that learning is a process, and it wouldn’t always work the next time.
Don’t get yourself down if you didn’t learn from it immediately.
I am currently trying to learn to say no more often.
I got into some situations I didn’t want to because I couldn’t say no.
The next time after I realized I needed to learn from my mistake, I wasn’t able to say no, but I am still working on it, and I am proud of myself for trying to change even if it might take time.
So the first step to getting better is to realize your mistake and what you have to do to change.
It might be a bit of an effort, but you can do it, and it will make you feel better.

5. everything is just as bad or good as you let it be

The mind plays a big role in life.
If you try to see things positive, life will seem better, and it will make you feel happier.
It is a fact that when you smile without a reason, you will automatically feel happier (at least that’s what I learned at university).
It is all mind games.
Try to find the positive side of things, and you will more often automatically see the good in things.
Also, don’t make a situation worse as it has to be.
Sometimes we just like to suffer in our own thoughts about ourselves and others, and often they aren’t even right, and when you realize after some time that you were wrong about that you just feel dumb for making yourself feel so bad about something that wasn’t even the case.
I talk out of my own experience here.
I noticed I did that last week and interpreted more in a message than I should have.
It turned out to be a misunderstanding, and I was mad for no reason.
So try to stay rational and see life from different angles.
There is so much beautiful about this life, and sometimes you just have to ignore or tackle the bad sides to make it seem better.

6. one small thing can change a person’s day

I can’t believe how much these quotes actually resonate with me.
I started writing on this a few weeks ago and continued now.
In the meantime, there were so many situations where all of this was the case, and I have to remind myself of all of this every day.
Yesterday I was thinking too much again and thought there wasn’t any big thing that made me happy today compared to a few days prior when I danced outside of happiness.
I had to remind myself that I should take a step back and really think about what small things made me happy today.
It was a good meal that I cooked and memories of people I thought of that day.
At that moment, I went upstairs to my apartment and saw people on the balcony of an apartment on the opposite side of the street, and usually there is nothing going on there.
I love waving at random people, so I waved at them, even though I just saw two black silhouettes, and they immediately saw me and waved back.
That made me so happy.
See, such a small thing, a wave, a smile from a person, a dog on the street, …
There are so many simple things that can make you and others happy, and maybe you can be that person that makes someone else’s day with a simple smile or greeting.

7. live your life

With that, I mean that you only live once.
There is no reason you shouldn’t do the things you love doing, and there are always ways to be able to do it.
Life is not that serious, so if you want to live off grid on a mountain and be self-dependent.
Do it.
If you want to change your job later in life because you feel like you need a change.
Do it.
You are never too old to try something new.
It is YOUR life, and you get to decide what you want to do with it.
Nobody knows how to live life right.
Everyone lives it differently.
There are so many ways you can live, we can see that in different cultures.
Society in different countries tells us to live life differently in different parts of the world, so society also really doesn’t know how life should be lived, when we can’t all agree!?
Do what resonates most with you, and try different things to see what fulfills you the most.

8. you only live once

This connects to the point I mentioned prior to this one.
Do what makes you happy.
You will not get a second chance to live your life, so live this one right.
What feels right to you.
Nobody wants to be old and regret they haven’t really lived.
So take risks and see if they work out, try new things to see what makes you truly happy, don’t let anything hold you back from talking to someone.
Nothing is really that serious, and you should use this life to the fullest and do it!

9. you meet everyone for a reason

I think that we can learn from everyone.
They don’t have to be a teacher, they don’t even have to talk at all.
We can learn so much from each other, by telling stories or by seeing others actions.
Each one of us knows different things and if we get to talk to each other we can share our views on life, our experiences, tell each other about a subject we love or anything else.
We can reflect on the words of the other person and think about what we can take from that conversation.
You can also just see how people around you act and learn from their behavior.
Even if you think there is nothing you can learn from that person, because you don’t like their behavior, you can take that as your lesson.
Not wanting to be like another person is legit, and you can learn from them to not behave like them.
I like to think about people around me that I value, and write down what I can learn or what I learned from them, and all of these things enrich my life a lot.
These are things that shape me, because in reality you have been learning subconsciously from every one around you anyway, but you can learn to do it consciously to value every interaction you have.

10. you can fulfill your dreams with hard work

Sometimes, your dreams and desires might seem unreachable.
Some might be, but if you set yourself realistic goals, even if they might seem unreachable, there will be a way to fulfill them.
Other people might already be living your dream, and that just shows you that it is possible.
If you really want something, I think that no work is too much.
You will get to that goal when you work hard enough, know of some loopholes, or just do your thing.
If you have a big dream, don’t make yourself believe it is unreachable.
Inform yourself, how it is possible, learn from people who have done it and don’t stop believing in yourself!

Writing this down really made me realize what I value about my life and what I have learned about life in the last few years.
Maybe it helps you to think differently sometimes, or maybe writing down what you believe in would help you.
Just remember that you are worth putting effort in.
You are so loved by all the people around you, even if sometimes you don’t think so.
I like to use the days I feel good to write down things I am grateful for, write down people who love me and when I feel down I can read through it or watch a video I took of a funny or happy moment.
That helped me last time I felt down the whole day for no reason at all.
You are the product of love!
So many people, your ancestors all loved each other and built families, there is no reason you shouldn’t be loved.
Embrace that.
Embrace that feeling of being loved, show others you love them, and they might give it back.
Life is just a big game of giving and receiving.
Remember to stay positive.
I love you!